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Value cognitive liberty, free speech and civil discussions? 苹果手机全局伋理软件 the community that permits fact-based discussions of all topics.
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Magazine live and feedback wanted We finally coded up a magazine for the site and hope to have authors to write short pieces on controversial topics where facts are inconvenient or repressed. If you have an idea for an article to submit, let me...
Admin Aug 2 Aug 2 1313
POLL Do protesters help or hurt BLM initiatives? Do protesters like this one in Seattle late tonight have a net gain for "Black Lives Matter" and "Defund the police by 50% and have it go exclusively to the black community" initiatives to be voted on ...
Admin July 30 Jul 30 3333
Fauci has been blocking access to life saving drugs his entire career. When will we stop listening to this fraud?
Edgework Aug 3 Aug 3 44
Fact Check: Progressive Hero Margaret Sanger Was a Racist Eugenicist
M1959 July 31 Jul 31 1111
POLL November is coming up sooner than you think! Who are you voting for atm?
ariellescarcella 1919
That's not and apology. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RemiDallaire Aug 2 Aug 2 55
Support for BLACK LIVES MATTER by Age, Race, Sex, and Education: Massive Support From Educated White Women Under 35
VDARE Aug 3 Aug 3 55
There is no microchip
JacksonNought Aug 3 Aug 3 55
The new Antifa Magazine
RemiDallaire Aug 3 Aug 3 44
LINK Police Are Now Advising People YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN Due To Defunding - YouTube
WorldSigh Aug 3 Aug 3 66
The "Courts" have had Epstein E-mails and documents on child molestation and sex trafficking 'sealed' since 2015? And just decided to 'unseal' them. Who else thinks that is BS and a tragic example of just how screwed up our court system is? ...
DeplorableToo Aug 3 Aug 3 55
Prevention is the key
Xtra Aug 2 Aug 2 22
Why doesn't Trump fire Fauci? Can someone explain this to me?
fschmidt Aug 2 Aug 2 1212
CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths
Rosary_Trace Aug 1 Aug 1 44
The Official Star Trek 2023 calender
Obiwannosi Aug 3 Aug 3 44
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and ...
Truthist Aug 2 Aug 2 44
POLL Tim Pool: Independent Journalist or Republican Shill? It was recently mansplained to me that by another SLUG member that you all "know his kind around here." What do you think Tim Pool's kind is...around here.
ThomasinaPaine July 31 Jul 31 1010
LINK 1965 Bluegrass/Mountain Music TV Special Is A Must-See - YouTube
Leader1776 Aug 2 Aug 2 33
Vernon Coleman: We're the Good Guys, and Good Guys Win! International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains precisely how the coronavirus farce has been stage managed using psy.op techniques. He also discusses the ...
warminster100 Aug 2 Aug 2 44
Now, I might be wrong, no lawyer here, but I thought it was Illegal to publish a mugshot of a minor. Any legal eagles here that can confirm/repudiate this? Or is this special treatment because he hacked Elite accounts?
MikeHunt Aug 2 Aug 2 66
American history
Zarloff Aug 2 Aug 2 22
Simpothy McVeigh over here just got busted. Hooray. The thing that occurred to me was that I've never been with a full armpit, Sasquatch hairy arm pitted girl in my life. All my ladies took the time to shave the pits. I don;t care about anything ...
MikeHunt Aug 2 Aug 2 33
My latest video! SJWs are often characterised by their atheism, and scorn of Christianity. This is ironic, given the fact regressive leftist, woke SJW ideology is very similar in its social justice zealotry to fundamentalist religion...
DaisyCousens Aug 2 Aug 2 22
手机央广网 - 警惕社会心理极化:2021-12-13 · 互联网约车软件公司在互联网体验经济的巨大压力下,不需要交通管理部门的监管,自身就通过各种规章制度将车辆和司机管理得井井有条。在安全方面,与手机绑定的车牌号也给乘客带来更高的 …
Naomi July 30 Jul 30 1010
State name change in the works
Zarloff Aug 3 Aug 3 33
Well, I know there’s a lot of people ... even here ... that would disagree but ... I actually see this response to being “attacked” as appropriate. Very short but violent video.
Bay0Wulf Aug 2 Aug 2 44
View more



Fan Space for Youtuber Jaclyn Glenn
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Politics / Political Ideology, Relationships / Dating, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
1,101 members, 111 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


People who have the good sense and higher ethics to oppose Communist thought... influence... & oppression!
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, Education, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
161 members, 68 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


An open forum to discuss the insanity of the left.
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
784 members, 50 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


With a constantly changing political climate, it is difficult to know what actions are deemed acceptable. With topics like gender pronouns, free speech regulation, and safety ...
Topics: Debate / Argument, Humor, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Sexuality / Gender
1,070 members, 52 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


Discuss the unseen, hidden and future effects of COVID-19.
Topics: Economics / Social Sciences, Health, News
169 members, 103 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023


For those who see what is going on in the world yet cannot make any sense of it, you are not alone, a lot of us are having trouble trying to figure out why some groups, political ...
Topics: Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences, Education, News, Politics / Political Ideology
386 members, 13 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


This is a group for those who oppose the left-wing's push for Socialism/Communism in America. We are for the ideas of Free Trade and Capitalism that made America great. We ...
ios全局伋理软件 Activism, Debate / Argument, Politics / Political Ideology, Religion / Spiritualism, Society / Culture
1,351 members, 248 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


Whatever history you find interesting
Topics: History
751 members, 16 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Laughing at the Hateful Left

Expose attacks from the left.
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, Humor, Happiness / Self Improvement, Society / Culture
1,314 members, 28 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

I Refuse To Be Anti-White

Everyone hates white people... except the members of this group! By joining this group, you indicate (as the group name suggests) that you simply refuse to hate white people. ...
Topics: Family, History, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism, Society / Culture
913 members, 67 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


Topics that involve education: public education, private education, home schooling, higher education, work force, and more.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Career, Education, Family, Society / Culture
217 members, 9 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023


Anything and everything about firearms. Less about the politics and more about the firearms themselves for gun enthusiasts. From pistols to shotguns, black rifles, hunting, and ...
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, Military, Other, Sports
919 members, 44 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Emergency Preparedness and Survival

Emergency Preparedness, gardening, permaculture, food forestry, food preparation, homesteading, survival, hiking, camping, fermentation, guns, and anything post-apocalyptic or ...
Topics: Hobbies /Interests
334 members, 36 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Saving Western Civilisation

Discussion on saving Western Civilisation, why others have fallen what can be done.
Topics: Economics / Social Sciences, History, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
1,315 members, 122 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


东北网2021年06月01日新闻汇总:苹果iPad上市两月销量已达200万台 2021-06-01 14:05 [568][ 东北网黑龙江 ] 哈尔滨市一户居民家中起火 七旬老太被浓烟熏死 2021-06-01 14:04
Topics: Economics / Social Sciences, Education, History
387 members, 60 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Andy Ngo Fans

Fans and supporters of Portland based journalist and Editor at Large of the Post Millennial Andy Ngo.
Topics: Activism, Fan Groups, Other, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure
523 members, 9 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023


2021年全国工商系统消费者权益保护报告:2021-3-16 · 保护消费者合法权益是一个国家经济社会文明的重要体现,也是市场经济成熟发达的重要标志。2021年,各级工商和市场监管部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院的总体部署,主动适应、把握和引领经济发展新常态,坚持消费者至上、依法行政、改革创新、服务发展和社会共治理念,充分发挥工商和 ...
ios全局伋理软件 Relationships / Dating, Happiness / Self Improvement, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
1,334 members, 231 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Politically Incorrect folks

Speak your mind about anything . For everyone agree to disagree
Topics: Activism, Animals / Pets, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Books / Writing / Poetry, Career
1,656 members, 355 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Biblical Christianity

A group for a friendly, helpful, and honest discussion of Christian subjects.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, History
462 members, 282 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Rational Feminists

A group for rational feminists to discuss issues related to sex discrimination. This group is for women who have had enough of the mainstream liberal feminist agenda, and who are...
Topics: Activism, Politics / Political Ideology, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
312 members, 9 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Conspiracy Truth : Wolves And Sheeple

Investigating the New World Order agenda and other so called conspiracy theorists with like minded people interested in seeking the truth. Created by Winston from The Wolves And ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, News, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology
644 members, 71 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Larry Elder

"Larry Elder has a take-no-prisoners style, using such old-fashioned things as evidence and logic. Larry shines the bright light of reasoned analysis on many of the myths and ...
iphone手机如何上外网 Economics / Social Sciences, Education, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure
787 members, 20 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


北京市2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2月9日8:30至20:30,北京市将召开2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。届时,北京市60个市级行政机关和16个区政府将进行述职,市领导、部分市人大伋表、市政协委员和社会各界伋表等240余人现场听取述职并打分评价。 千龙网(www.qianlong.com ...
苹果手机全局伋理软件下载 Art
279 members, 98 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


This is a group to discuss the latest Trump stories and controversy. Whether you love him or hate him, Trump always is something to talk about.
Topics: Debate / Argument, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure
1,307 members, 83 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Sydney Watson Fanspace

Fan Space for Youtuber Sydney Watson
iphone手机如何上外网 Fan Groups, Relationships / Dating, Happiness / Self Improvement, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
1,705 members, 132 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


“WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world's most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.” - Julian ...
Topics: Activism, History, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Technology
694 members, 98 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

News, Politics & Policy

Discussion of news, and information relevant to politics, policy .
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure
235 members, 269 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Brain soup

Want to start a discussion over which 80s cartoon was the best or the state of greenhouse gases. Or maybe a talk about Harry Potter or 90s teen dramas. How about the best way to ...
Topics: Film / Movies / TV, Humor, Politics / Political Ideology, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
22 members, 12 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Christopher Hitchens Fans

2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2021年2月10日下午14:00在北京会议中心9号楼3层多功能厅召开2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Books / Writing / Poetry, History, Politics / Political Ideology, Religion / Spiritualism
305 members, 9 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023


A community to discuss my videos, your thoughts, and everything else going on in this crazy culture war. Come join me!
Topics: Debate / Argument, Fan Groups, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure, Sexuality / Gender
1,256 members, 142 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Nationalism is not a Dirty Word

The love of one's country and the desire for it to succeed above all others is nothing to be ashamed of. When did being a country loving patriot become a so called racist and ...
Topics: History, Military, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
1,028 members, 84 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023


This is a group for discussing and learning about the pros and cons of vaccines. Please feel free to share any helpful links to videos, articles, books, etc. that have been ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, Education, Health, Science
232 members, 13 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

John Paul Watson Group

For those who want to meet other fans of John Paul Watson and keep up with his videos! If you're a member, please feel free to post his latest / relevant Youtube talks here so we ...
Topics: Activism, Public Figure
1,295 members, 15 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

IDW Atheists

This group is a place for friendly discussion and debate between atheists and other like-minded individuals, as well as theists willing to discuss. This forum is open to all. But ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Debate / Argument, Religion / Spiritualism, Science, Society / Culture
407 members, 238 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Learning from Christ

2021年全国工商系统消费者权益保护报告:2021-3-16 · 保护消费者合法权益是一个国家经济社会文明的重要体现,也是市场经济成熟发达的重要标志。2021年,各级工商和市场监管部门认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院的总体部署,主动适应、把握和引领经济发展新常态,坚持消费者至上、依法行政、改革创新、服务发展和社会共治理念,充分发挥工商和 ...
Topics: Art, Books / Writing / Poetry, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,205 members, 1,215 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

True Crime Discussion Group

This is a group for anyone who is interested in true crime. It will encompass all aspects of the subject from infamous cases to current events. It will touch on the political ...
Topics: Debate / Argument, History, Politics / Political Ideology
371 members, 389 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Tolkien Fans

A place to discuss the greatest author in modern history and his glorious fiction novels, tales, and lore compendium.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Film / Movies / TV, Fan Groups, Society / Culture
166 members, 10 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

Friends of Forgotten Nationalist

Suspended from Twitter. Then doxxed. Dissident right. Protestant Christian. American. Super model minority. Half , half Vietnamese. AllLivesMatter. Free speech absolutist. Question...
Topics: Activism, History, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
103 members, 45 posts, Last activity: Aug 3, 2023

Alex Jones Fans

For fans of Alex Jones and Conspiracy. They’re turning the freakin frogs gay!!
Topics: Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences, Fan Groups, News, Politics / Political Ideology
1,029 members, 45 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023

White Liberation from Jewish Supremacism

宁愿因过早保持谨慎而少赚一笔,也胜过等危机 ...-荔枝网新闻:2021-8-3 · Andrew指出,苹果手机只有10年的历史,而 20年前互联网并未普及。这让人怀疑,科技股的投资者是否真的能够看清未来?又有多少人心甘情 愿为这些伋业长期盈利能力的乐观预期支付高价?
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, History, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
15 members, 31 posts, Last activity: Aug 2, 2023
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